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Having troubles with your pooch pulling you on your walks, or other behavioural issues?

New puppy causing you confusion and headaches?

Want to socialise your new puppy and learn how to raise them into a well mannered dog?

Is your friend being mischievous at home and creating problems when you’re not there?

Does your dog seemingly show aggressive behaviours towards other dogs? 



Coming soon!!!!


ALL 4 PAWS - is excited to announce a new Walking/Recall class runing from mid October 


Obstacle classes will be recommencing when daylight savings starts !!  These will be held of a weeknight.  

Obstacle class is only available to owners who have worked with ALL 4 PAWS  via consults, 1-1 training or other classes run by ALL 4 PAWS. 




If you found yourself nodding your head and saying YES to any or maybe even all of these questions, then ALL 4 PAWS is the business you need!

I offer a professional dog training service for those people who are having difficulties with their dogs and wish to better understand them.     

Safety is of paramount importance whilst clients' pets are in my care and your peace of mind comes from the fact that I am fully insured.

Please contact Sonia for more information
Dog Training
Dog Training
Dog Classes
Dog Classes


I cannot thank Sonia enough for the support and guidance she has offered me since commencing classes with her. I had a 5 year old rescue staffy Frankie who I had had for about a year when I met Sonia. Frankie was highly anxious and insecure and had spent the past year trying to work out how to help her including other trainers. I kept hitting road blocks and nothing seemed to be helping until I found Sonia !

Frankie was always great on the lead and walked quite nicely, our issues mostly related to separation anxiety and Frankie not having very good social skills off lead, she didn't know how to play with other dogs. I initially attended the obstacle classes which were fantastic but quickly released it was going to take more than a class to change Frankie's behaviour. After a few weeks, I had Sonia come out and do a 1-1 home consult where she showed us how to use the crate and create a safe place for Frankie go to and relax. Frankie took to sleeping in it quite well, only a few unsettled nights before she was sleeping up to 10hrs in there happily. Frankie also spent lots of day time in her crate when I was home as well. The results were almost instantaneous. The first class after starting the crating Frankie was much calmer and interacting in a much more polite way. I had also noticed that she was so much more relaxed on her walks, tail up and relaxed as previously always down and even sometimes tucked between her legs.

Sonia helped me understand how important structure and boundaries were so now when Frankie is inside she is stationed on a mat, or in her crate (cuddles occasionally) The benefits of Sonia's training have been endless and is only been about 6 weeks since her visit. I am pleased to say Frankie went to her first play session the other day and did exceptionally well. Previously she would have been anxious and slightly aggressive but we had no issues with her at all, I couldn't believe what I was seeing! Frankie was relaxed, calm and interacting nicely with the other dogs.

Sonia was also fantastic and checking in with me after the consult to see how things were going. Knowing that I could message her a any sage for extra help or advice was so reassuring. To this day, Sonia will still message me to check in and see how we are travelling and offer her knowledge and help tweak things with our routine and structure. Her dedication is second to none.

I can also highly recommend Sonia's obedience classes, although Frankie was not too bad on a lead it was great to tighten up my technique and practice our sits. Frankie now even knows hot to drop nicely.

Give Sonia's training a go, you'll never look back and you'll have a happy, calm and confident dog to enjoy !